Fabio Benasso
President, Accenture Foundation
As of September 1st, 2021, Fabio Benasso is President of Accenture S.p.A. and member of Accenture’s Global Management Committee as Advisor to the Chair & CEO. From March 2023 he has been appointed President of the Fondazione Italiana Accenture (FIA).
He has been Accenture’s market unit lead for ICEG (Italy, Central Europe and Greece) and country managing director of Accenture in Italy from September 2006 till September 2021.
During his more than 30-year career with Accenture, Fabio has held a variety of positions of increasing relevance.
Given Fabio’s vast experience on large scale transformation programs across industries, he is a leader in the Italian business ecosystem.
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In addition, Fabio serves on the Board of his Alma Mater Ticinensis Foundation (University of Pavia) and is a member of the Management and Supervisory Board of the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS (Pavia). Since March 2022 he has been appointed Scientific Director of the LGH Foundation of the a2a Group.
Fabio joined Accenture in 1984 and became a partner in 1997. He holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Pavia. Fabio is based in Italy.

Nicola Bertinelli
Vice president, Coldiretti
Nicola Bertinelli, born 1972, is the national vice-president in charge of PDO and PGI products and president of the Emilia Romagna Regional Federation of Coldiretti, president of the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium, as well as general manager of the Azienda Agricola Bertinelli in Noceto (province of Parma).

Cristina Bombassei
Chief CSR Officer, Gruppo Brembo and President GT Sustainability, Confindustria
Cristina Bombassei has been a Director of Brembo since 1997 and Chief CSR Officer, responsible for Brembo Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility ambition and commitments, since 2013.
She is a Director of Kilometrorosso S.p.A and President of the Pro Universitate Bergomensi, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of fashion group OTB – Only The Brave.
At Confindustria Nazionale she holds the position of President of the Technical Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Group and is also a member of the General Council of Confindustria Bergamo.
In addition, she is on the Board of Directors of AIDAF, the Italian Family Business Association.
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Additionally, she is an Honorary Member of the Fondazione Cesvi humanitarian organisation and a Board member of the Sodalitas Foundation.

Paolo Bonassi
Strategic Support, Intesa Sanpaolo
I am currently Head of the Strategic Support Department of Intesa Sanpaolo with the duty of assisting the CEO in all his tasks, ensuring the supervision of selected initiatives strategically relevant for the Group and carrying out specialist support activities, also with the aim of guaranteeing an outstanding performance of the Management Committee.
I have always worked in the Bank: after a two-year training period in a branch I was transferred to Milan where I grew in the Planning and Management Control Area. For four years, until December 2017, I have been Head of the Budget and Control Department.

Mirja Cartia d'Asero
CEO, Il Sole 24 Ore
Mirja Cartia d’Asero is Chief Executive Officer of Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. since 27 April 2022 and already a member of the Board of Directors since 23 July 2020.
In less than a year at the 24 ORE Group, she launched the first ESG plan in the company’s history and obtained Gender Equality Certification, first among publishing groups in Italy.
She has gained significant experience of over 25 years in the finance sector with a particular focus in the real estate sector, first as a lawyer and then as a manager and entrepreneur.
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Since 2015 she has held the role of Co-Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer of a company (ReStar) specialized in NPLs with underlying real estate.
In November 2019, ReStar was acquired by Guber Bank, where she was Head of Real Estate. From 2015 to date, held various roles as an Independent Director in listed companies, covering positions on Board internal committees.
She is currently Independent Director of ITALMOBILIARE S.p.A., of ZURICH Investments Life S.p.A. and of TECMA Solutions S.p.A.
Mirja is passionate about ESG issues, which she applies to all her experiences.

Mauro Gallavotti
CEO, Celli Group
Mauro Gallavotti has more than 30 years of managerial experience. Since June 2013, he has been President and CEO of the Celli Group, an Italian company and world leader in beverage dispensing technology, in which the Ardian fund is interested. Under his leadership, the Group has grown from 30 to 200 million in turnover, reaching the threshold of one thousand employees. Before joining the Celli Group, Mauro Gallavotti was for six years responsible for Industry FMCG and the Marketing and Sales area at The European House Ambrosetti and at Nestlè, where, after a traditional marketing and sales career, he led several business units as General Manager. With a strong vocation for the non-profit world, he is active in the third sector through Fondazione Matilde Tettamanti Menotti De Marchi and Fondazione Monza e Brianza per il Bambino e la sua Mamma, both operating in research, treatment and assistance in the field of childhood leukaemia.

Sergio Gallo
DG, AlberItalia Foundation
Sergio Gallo has been the director of the AlberItalia Foundation since 1 January 2023. He graduated in 1985 from the University of Padua in Forest Sciences, and worked as a consultant for the creation of parks, gardens and woods.
He was government official in a public administration of the Basilicata Region engaged in the agroforestry sector, and from 2002 to 2022 Manager of the same administration, dealing with community programs, technical assistance, biodiversity, ITC and communication.
He is a journalist and has a master’s degree in institutional communication.

Giovanna Iannantuoni
Rector - Economist
Graduate of Bocconi University, she was awarded a PhD in Economics by the Université catholique de Louvain. Her fields of research are game theory, with applications to electoral systems. After carrying out various assignments abroad, she returned to Italy at the University of Milano-Bicocca of which she has been the rector since 2019. She also currently holds the position of Vice President of CINECA, member of the Supervisory Board of FhT, President of MUSA scarl and member of the Board of Directors of the Corriere della Sera Foundation.

Alberto Marenghi
Vice President, Confindustria
Alberto Marenghi, Vice-President of Confindustria for Organization, Development and Marketing. Born in Mantova in 1976, he is Chief Executive Officer of Cartiera Mantovana, founded by his ancestor in 1615, and Cartiera Galliera as well.
He is Vice President of Sumus Italia, President and CEO of Confindustria Servizi and President of S.I.I., based in Brussels. Member of the General Board of Fondazione Cariverona, Fondazione Fiera Milano and Fondazione Palazzo Te Mantova. He is also President of International Association “Les Henokien”, an association of family businesses and bicentenary companies.
From 2014 to 2019 he was President of Confindustria Mantova.

Francesca Mariotti
Director General, Confindustria
Born in 1973, Director General at Confindustria (since July 2020) and Director of the Tax Policies Department (since 2014). Lawyer and statutory auditor, she graduated in Law from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and completed her training by achieving a Masters in Tax Law from the Higher School of Economics and Finance “E. Vanoni” and the Senior Management Program at SDA Bocconi School of Management. She also attended specialized training courses for independent directors in listed companies, provided by Assogestioni and Nedcommunity.
Currently, she is Member of the Corporate Governance Committee of the Italian Stock Exchange (Borsa Italiana) and Member of the Market Operators and Investors Committee (COMI) of the Italian Companies and Exchange Commission (CONSOB).
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She is also Member of the Board of Widiba Bank S.p.a. (Finance), Aboca S.p.a. (Healthcare) and Statutory Auditor of Edualia S.r.l. (Treccani Group – publishing and education). Previously (until June 2021): Independent Board Director of Mediaset S.p.a (member of the Governance and Nominating Committee and of the Remuneration Committee), Supervisory Body member of the Italian Encyclopedic Institute “Giovanni Treccani” and Statutory Auditor for companies of the General Electric Healthcare Group. During her career she gained great experience in tax and accounting. From 2000 to 2007 she worked with KPMG and Federcasse. Since 2007 she represented Confindustria in many institutional offices, both nationally (participating in Commissions set up by the Ministries of Economy and Finance, European Policies, Economic Development, etc.) and internationally (at the OECD and BusinessEurope).
She worked with some of the most prestigious Italian Universities and with the National Council of Engineers on the “Industry 4.0” plan, as well as with the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, for the definition of guidelines that best harmonize accounting recommendations with fiscal discipline. She is member of the Scientific Committee of the FUTURA Project, created by Save The Children, Yolk and Forum Disuguaglianze Diversità to fight female educational poverty in Italy. She is also Mentor in the female empowerment project “Mentorship Milano” created by the Municipality of Milan to support the career path of young woman. She is author of several articles and monographs on tax matters and on national and international economic policy.

Mario Molteni
CEO, E4Impact Foundation
Mario Molteni is the CEO of E4Impact Foundation, Full Professor of Corporate Strategy at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, Rector’s Delegate for Business Relations, and Founder of ALTIS – Graduate School of Sustainable Management at Catholic University. He is Founder and President of ALTIS Advisory, a spin-off of the same university for consultancy in Corporate Strategy and Sustainability.
He started Sustainability Makers, the Italian association of sustainability professionals, and wrote more than 150 publications on Sustainability, Corporate strategy, Social and Corporate Entrepreneurship.

Letizia Moratti
Co-Founder, San Patrignano Foundation
Letizia Moratti was Vice President of the Executive Board of Lombardy Region and Regional Ministers for Welfare, Mayor of Milan and she obtained the assignment of Expo 2015, Minister for Education, University and Scientific Research and President of RAI- Radio Televisione Italiana. From 2016 to 2020 she was Chairman of the Management Board and then of the Board of Directors of UBI Banca.
She is co-founder of the San Patrignano Foundation.
She founded and chair E4Impact Foundation, which trains impact entrepreneurs in Africa. She created the Genesis Association, of which she is President, committed to the defence of human rights, through contemporary art. In January 2014 she was awarded, by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, the honors of Grande Ufficiale al Merito della Repubblica Italiana.

James Nyamai
Co-Founder and CEO, BioAfriq
Mr. Nyamai is a Kenyan social entrepreneur with more than a decade of experience in entrepreneurship. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and a Master’s degree in Global Business Sustainability, and has completed various professional courses to enhance his entrepreneurial skills. He has won numerous awards, including the Total Startupper of the year Award, The Chancellors Award, The Nairobi Innovation week Award, and The SINAPIS Award. He is the Founder and Managing Director of Bioafriq Energy Limited, which developed and patented hybrid solar dehydrators in Kenya to reduce post-harvest losses for farmers through dehydration and co-founded Taliana Foods, a company that processes dehydrated foods into gluten-free flours.

Claudia Ogliastro
Team leader, Shea Matters
Claudia Ogliastro was born in Pietrasanta (LU) on August 21, 1998. She attended the G. Carducci high school in Viareggio and graduated in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pisa in February 2021. She is currently attending the master’s degree course in Biomedical Engineering – Cells, Tissues and Biotechnologies at the Politecnico di Milano and carries out an internship at the Banca dei Tessuti of the Niguarda hospital in Milan. The interest in environmental and social sustainability is reflected in the commitment to the youth entrepreneurial project Shea Matters.

Emanuele Orsini
Vice President for Credit, Finance and Fiscal Affairs, Confindustria
Emanuele Orsini is Vice President of Confindustria for Credit, Finance and Fiscal Affairs. He is the Managing Director of Sistem Costruzioni, a leading company in the wood construction and industrial logistics sector in Italy and worldwide. He is also Chairman of Maranello Village, a residential area dedicated to the “Cavallino Rampante”, and of Tino Prosciutti SpA, a company specialising in the processing and producing cured raw ham. During his career, he was President of FederlegnoArredo, Federlegno Arredo Eventi SpA, the society that owns the Salone del Mobile.Milano, and President of Unicredit Leasing.

Claudia Parzani
Partner at Linklaters, Chair Borsa Italiana S.p.A
Claudia Parzani is a partner at Linklaters, President of Borsa Italiana and Vice President of Il Sole24Ore.
She was President of Allianz S.p.A. and Valore D. She is a member of the advisory body of UNHCR Italy, sits on the Scientific Committee of Parks – Liberi e Uguali and chairs the Strategic Board of the non-profit Fondazione Italia per il dono. She founded Breakfast@Linklaters and is an ambassador for Italy of “Inspiring Girls”.
She is the author of ‘Wonderful Guided Tour inside Ourselves’, written with Francesca Isola. In 2022, she published ‘Si vince solo insieme’ with Sandro Catani for Garzanti.

Agostino Re Rebaudengo
President, Asja Ambiente e Elettricità Futura
Born in Turin in 1959, he graduated in Economics from the University of Turin. He completed his education at U.C.L.A. in Los Angeles and at Harvard Business School in Boston, where he attended, among others, the O.P.M. (Owner and President Management) course. He is a freelance journalist.
He began his professional career during university, in 1978, at Klippan automotive safety belts and in 1980 at Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), where he became the youngest Senior Consultant at 24.
From 1984 to 1987, he was responsible for restructuring the Giulio Einaudi Editore publishing house in extraordinary administration, reprivatised after only three years.
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In 1995, he founded Asja Ambiente Italia (www.asja.energy), a company of which he is president and shareholder, which operates internationally, with offices in China and South America, in the production of electricity from renewable sources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Asja is also involved in numerous research programmes with various institutions and universities and has been part of the Business Research Centre of the Politecnico di Torino since 2008. The Group also operates in the energy efficiency sector by producing and marketing TOTEM micro-cogenerators (www.totem.energy).
From 2011 to 2017, he was president of assoRinnovabili, the most relevant Italian association of renewable energy producers, which merged with Assoelettrica on 28 April 2017 to form Elettricità Futura, the leading association of the Italian electricity world, of which he is president. He has been vice president of Confindustria Energia and Confindustria Cisambiente since 2021.
He has always been attentive to the world of culture: he was a director of the Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art, president of the Teatro Stabile di Torino from 1996 to 2007 and is still involved in non-profit organisations, including the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation for Contemporary Art, of which he is co-founder and vice-president. He has been the Director of the Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art. From 2010 to 2013, he was also president of Fidas ADSP Associazione Donatori Sangue Piemonte. Since September 2014, he has been President of the A come Ambiente Museum in Turin. Since 2014 he has been the founder and advisor of the Venice Gardens Foundation. Since 2019 he has been a professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the Biomedical Campus in Rome. Since 2019 he has been the founder of the Social Promotion Association Accademia di Educazione Finanziaria.
In 2007 he was awarded the honour of Commendatore dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana, in 2018 the title of Commendatore dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Colombiana and in 2021 he was appointed Honorary Consul of Colombia in Piedmont. He is a member of numerous Italian and European clubs, a councillor of various associations and a member of the General Council of Confindustria.

Andrea Rustioni
Managing Director IGP Decaux
Andrea Rustioni is Managing Director of IGPDecaux where he was previously Director in charge of Assets and Development. He began his career in 1994 at Clear Channel Outdoor in Milan in sales. From 1995 to 1997 he was in charge of marketing and then, from 1997 to 2000, he was appointed Business Development Manager. He joined CBS Outdoor Italy at the end of 2000 as Director of institutional relations and operations. In 2005, he was promoted to the position of Managing Director, developing sales and steering the transformation of the sales & marketing department as well as contracts and operations. He is a graduate in Economics and Management from Bocconi University in Milan, with a specialization in Marketing. He is a director of the AAPI, the Italian OOH advertising association.

Roberto Sancinelli
President, Montello
In 1984 he acquired a steel plant with an electric melting and rolling furnace for the production of round steel for reinforced concrete.
In 1992 and until 1994 he was President of the European producers of round steel for reinforced concrete.
In 1996 he reconverted his steel plant (Brown Economy) into a recovery and recycling of plastic waste and organic waste from separate collection (Green and Circular Economy).
Currently he is:
– Chairman of the Montello S.p.A. group
– Board member of CO.RE.PLA., Plastic Recovery Consortium;
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– Board member of FROM – Bergamo Hospital Research Foundation;
– Founding member and member of the Presidential Committee of the “Sustainable Development Foundation” chaired by the former Minister of the Environment Edo Ronchi;
– is on the Board of Directors of Assoambiente of which, until July 2018, he was also the President;
– is a supporter of many initiatives to support the integration of immigration.

Giovanni Sandri
Country Head, BlackRock Italia
Giovanni Sandri, Managing Director is the Country Head for BlackRock Italy and Greece and a member of the EMEA Executive Committee.
Prior to his current role, Mr Sandri was the Chief Operating Officer of BlackRock in Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and a member of the EMEA Operating Committee. From 2006 to 2009, Mr. Sandri was CAO for Retail in Southern Europe (France, Italy, Spain and Portugal).
Mr. Sandri joined Merrill Lynch Investment Managers in 2005 when he was appointed Head of Client Service and Administration for Italy. Prior to joining MLIM, Mr. Sandri worked as a Business Analyst and Senior Project Manager in large Italian organizations.
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Mr. Sandri earned a degree in engineering from “Politecnico di Milano” University and a professional certificate from the Management School of Bocconi University.

Lucia Silva
Group Head of Sustainability and Social Responsibility, Generali
Lucia Silva is Group Head of Sustainability and Social Responsibility for Assicurazioni Generali, since September 2015, where she leads the definition and the implementation of the Group Sustainability strategy and policies.
Lucia is a senior sustainability professional with 20 years of experience. She strongly believes that by aligning people, planet and profit, companies ensure they are successful now and in the future. In her current role, she has the opportunity to work on some of the most pressing challenges of our time, such as climate change, ageing population, demographic changes and digitalization. Her focus is on integrating sustainability into the business, looking at insurance products and investment strategies.
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Prior to joining Generali, Lucia worked for 15 years at KPMG, where she supported various companies from a wide range of sectors in defining and developing their Sustainability strategy. During this period, Lucia was also instrumental in the development and implementation of KPMG’s own Sustainability strategy in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa), leading an international network of colleagues.
Lucia holds a master’s degree in ‘Governance, Business Ethics and Risk Management’ from Libero Istituto Universitario Carlo Cattaneo University along with a degree in Philosophy from Statale di Milano University.

Sabine Stuiver
Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Hydraloop
Sabine is the CMO & co-founder of Hydraloop, a water conservation expert, thought & change leader and Member of the Policy Advisory Committee at Water Europe in Brussels. She features in the Netflix documentary ‘Brave Blue World’, was awarded the EU-TOP50 ‘Female Entrepreneur with a Sustainable Innovation’ Award, and is included in the Meaningful Business MB100 list, recognized as ‘A leader combining profit and purpose to help achieve the UN Global Goals’. She is Member of WomeninTech, RoundTable 4 Topvrouwen and a Faculty Member at European Institute of Innovation for Sustainability (EIIS).

Chicco Testa
President, Assoambiente
He is currently Chairman of Fise Assoambiente, E.VA. Energie Valsabbia Spa, Proger Spa, Mw Fep Spa and CEO of Telit Communications Spa. He served as Chairman of Assoelettrica from 2012 to 2016 and Managing Director of Banca d’Affari Rothschild Italia Spa. He was a member of the Allianz Board of Directors and Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 20th World Energy Congress – Rome 2007, a member of the Expert Advisory Committee within the European Carbon Fund, Chairman of Enel, Chairman of Acea, and Chairman of Sorgenia. He has held the position of Independent Director of FEBO Spa since 2022.

Marco Travaglia
Chairman&CEO Nestlé Italy
Marco Travaglia is Chairman and CEO of the Nestlé Group in Italy and Malta since 2019. He is married and has two daughters and his passions are music, golf and his two cats.
Graduated in law, he begins his career at Nestlé as intern in 1989. Over the years, Marco moved to several countries (Switzerland, USA, France, UK, Serbia and Croatia) to cover several roles in Marketing, Sales and General Management. Marco Travaglia is also President of Audicom, Vice-President of Centromarca and UPA and he joins the boards of Auditel, Unionfood, IBC, GS1 and ABIE (Confindustria).

Graziano Verdi
CEO, Italcer Group
A Top Manager in the design and luxury sector, Graziano Verdi was for a lengthy period Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Iris-Graniti Fiandre group. He went on to run Technogym and the Belgian multinational Koramic. In 2017, together with Alberto Forchielli of the Mindful Capital Partners fund, he founded Italcer Group, today Italy’s fifth largest industrial group in the high-end ceramics sector.
Italcer Group members include: La Fabbrica Ceramiche, AVA, Elios Ceramica, Devon&Devon, Ceramica Rondine, Italcer USA, Cedir, Equipe Cerámicas and Ceramica Fondovalle with revenues of over 355 million in 2022.
Verdi is an Independent Director of IndelB S.p.A. (listed in the Star segment of the Milan Stock Exchange), Pelliconi S.p.A., multinational world leader in bottling stoppers and Renovars S.p.A. – Facileristrutturare.it
He is involved at institutional level as Board Member of Confindustria Ceramica.

Michele Viglianisi
Responsible Bio Refining & Supply, Eni Sustainable Mobility
Michele Viglianisi is currently Head of BIO Refining & Supply at Eni.
He joined Eni in 1994 and since then he has been active in engineering and technical activities in the field of Refinery. He held different roles increasing his responsibilities from time-to-time, until reaching the management of several Eni refineries (Venice, Taranto e Sannazzaro).
During his experience as Head of Venice Biorefinery, he had the opportunity to take part in the world’s first conversion of a Traditional Refinery into a Biorefinery, leading people to face an important professional and cultural transformation.
In his current role he coordinates the management of the Venice and Gela’s Eni biorefineries and identifies new initiatives for feedstock diversification, for bio-fuels production and sustainable mobility development.

Moses Wachira
Co-Founder and CEO, The Big Thunder Mining
Founder & CEO – The Big Thunder Mining Company Limited, 5 Year company founded in January 2018.
Location: – Kenya, East Africa, Global South Country
Principal activities:
1) Upcycle by products from Macadamia Processors into Oil as a cosmetic Ingredient
2) Biomass Aggregator Upcycling mainly of taken by multinationals for boiler requirements
3) Macadamia processing seeking to offtake 40% farm gate waste into cosmetic oils.
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– We additionally aggregate with Macadamia Kernels with other processors exporting to Asia.
– Our Climate Smart Biomass (alternative for fossil fuels) Boiler clients include brewers, cement makers, Oil pressing clients e.t.c
Moses, an agri-prenuer & an E4Impact Accelerator alumni, has previously worked in the Banking Industry in Kenya for a period of 16 years.
An alumni of the University of Nairobi and has taught High School learners for 1 year before getting into Banking.
Moses has always had a passion for agriculture having volunteered at Agricultural Society of Kenya Show (food products exhibition) immediately after graduating from University.