The program is provisional and may be subject to change
Letizia Moratti Co-Founder, Fondazione San Patrignano
Emanuele Orsini President, Confindustria
Michele de Pascale President, Regione Emilia Romagna
Keynote Speech
The challenges of industry in the current European and international geopolitical context
Stéphane Séjourné Executive Vice-President, Prosperity and Industrial Strategy, European Commission
Persons and skills
Daniela Fumarola General Secretary, Cisl
Teodoro Lio AD, Accenture Italia
Maurizio Marchesini Vice President for Job and Industrial Relations, Confindustria
other speakers to be confirmed
Urban regeneration, mobility and social housing
Gabriele Buia President, Unione Parmense degli Industriali
Massimiliano Di Silvestre President and CEO, BMW Italia
Vittoria Ferragamo Sustainability and Special Projects Manager, Il Borro Toscana
Francesca Lavazza Board Member Lavazza Group
Keynote Speech
Energy, a lever of competitiveness for Italy and Europe
Claudio Descalzi CEO, ENI
Antonio Gozzi Special Advisor for Europe’s Strategic Autonomy, the Mattei Plan and Competitiveness Confindustria
Costanza Maramotti Board & Sustainability Committee, Max Mara
Lara Ponti Vice President for Environmental Transition and ESG Targets, Confindustria
Mario Zanetti President’s Delegate for the Blue Economy, Confindustria
Paola Angeletti Chief Sustainability Officer, Intesa Sanpaolo
Giovanni Azzone President, Fondazione Cariplo and ACRI
Angelo Camilli Vice President for Financial Affairs and Tax Policy, Confindustria
Giovanni Gorno Tempini President, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Antonio Patuelli President, Associazione Bancaria Italiana
Keynote Speech
Anna Maria Bernini Minister of Universities and Research, Italian Government
Sergio Abrignani Full Professor of General Pathology, Università degli Studi di Milano
Tommaso Calarco Full Professor of Quantum Computing, Università di Bologna
Francesco De Santis Vice President for Research and Development, Confindustria
Giovanni Fassio Director, The New York Climate Exchange
Valeria Sandei CEO, Almawave
Antonio Zoccoli President, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Africa and Italy’s contribution
Introductory address
Juma Mukhwana Principal Secretary for the State Department of Industry, Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industr, Republic of Kenya
Juma Mukhwana Principal Secretary for the State Department of Industry, Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industr, Republic of Kenya
Frank Cinque General Manager, E4Impact Foundation
Okendo Lewis-Gayle President, Harambe Entrepreneur Alliance
Chido Munyati Head of Regional Agenda, Africa, World Economic Forum
Federico Vecchioni CEO, Bonifiche Ferraresi
other speakers to be confirmed
E4Impact Foundation
Award ceremony “Best Sustainable Business Practices and Solutions”
Mario Molteni Managing Director, E4Impact Foundation
Lara Ponti Vice President for Environmental Transition and ESG Targets, Confindustria
Letizia Moratti Co-Founder, Fondazione San Patrignano